ICDE has partnered in Manila with the Center for Culinary Arts Manila (CCA), the well-known pioneer for culinary education in the Philippines.

ICDE and CCA Manila offer programs in French culinary arts at the new CCA Manila campus, a renovated historical landmark building located at 139 H.V. dela Costa Street, Salcedo Village in Makati City.

CCA Manila launched in 1996, officially becoming the Philippines’ first culinary institution. Now a recognized leader in sustainability practices in the country, it launched the first Bachelor degree dedicated to culinary arts in the Philippines. CCA Manila also holds a rare accreditation by the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation (ACFEF).

Visit our partner’s website:

Center for Culinary Arts Manila, Makati Campus (Philippines)

Classes for the Disciples Escoffier Diploma in Culinary Arts in Manila take place at:
139 H.V. De La Costa Street – Makati – 1227 Metro Manila

Enquiries and Applications

(+63) 0 2218 8566 (CCA Manila)

(+63) 0977 6403 820 (CCA Manila)


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